Men’s Review was founded in October 1993 as Malaysia’s first men’s magazine by Faridah Stephens. It had a reputation for its risqué editorials paired with quality journalism, with authors such as Rehman Rashid, Karim Raslan, Bernice Chauly, and Huzir Sulaiman among its many contributors and editors. Aimed at urban professional men aged 25-35, MR delivered a vision of Kuala Lumpur in the 1990s: as a globalising city among the cosmos of London, New York, and Tokyo.
This article derives from an article in the January 1994 issue of Men’s Review, where the editorial team predicted what 2020 would look like. This week’s O For Other article extrapolates this logic in 2020, with its absurdities, impossibilities and the visions it telescopes.
This article is part of an ongoing project exploring the cultural footprint of Wawasan 2020.